Like many males in the millennial and generation-x generations I was raised to shave daily- or at least every other day. Whenever I had enough nerve to grow my facial hair to even a nominal length the women in my life complained until I shaved. My mother, grandmother, sister, aunts, women at church, girlfriends, female besties and the like frowned, scolded, and rolled their eyes whenever long hairs sprouted around my face and chin. I still longed to grow a grown man beard, but I never had the patience, confidence, or knowledge to do so. It took me YEARS to have the nerve to officially join the Brotherhood of Bearded Gents; although it was hella difficult I am so glad that I did!
I started this line to help would-be and bearded gentlemen (or those who them) have an easy, healthy, and enjoyable beard growing experience. You will avoid the pitfalls that I did because I have done everything for you- these products will help you grow and nurture healthy facial hair. I have used my knowledge of skin/hair care, my degrees in chemistry (BS & MS), and my first hand experience growing a full and healthy beard to develop the Brotherhood of Bearded Gents Beard Care System. I only use my products on my Face/Skin/Body/Hair and I am certain that you will enjoy them as much as I do. Everything is clean, light, organic, and made by hand in small batches to ensure quality and effectiveness. Thank you for stoping by, and please feel free to send me any questions/comments/concerns that you may have. Peace- Derek |